Selecting the right web hosting service is as crucial as targeting the right market audience. You need a hosting service that keeps your website up and running so that customers across the globe can learn more about your company and your products or services. When comparing two web hosting service companies, pay attention to factors such as price, customer support, and available features. Take a look at this comparison of A2 Hosting and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting.
The price comparison starts with A2 Hosting services. The hosting service offers three different price packages starting with the shared hosting package that prices at $3.92 per month. The shared hosting package provides you with one website, five databases and unlimited storage and data transfers. The next level of hosting is VPS hosting packages with pricing starting at $32.99 per month. That pricing structure provides you with 75GB of storage, 4GB of ram and a full-service hostguard management service. The last package option is the most expensive that A2 Hosting offers. It is the dedicated server package starting at $99.59 per month and provides you with 8GB of ram, 2X500GB of storage and Intel 3.1 + GHz in service.
Now take a look at what Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting has to offer in the price department. Amazon’s hosting service is relatively new, so it offers a unique pricing structure for its users. The only hosting package currently offered is cloud hosting, and you can pay $0.08 per hour, $57.60 per month or $691.20 per year.
The features comparison starts by taking a look at A2 Hosting where you receive a toolbox of options, even on their lowest shared hosting plans. Each plan comes with unlimited data transfers, email addresses, at least one domain and database along with RAID-10 storage. A2 Hosting adds in a CPanel feature with each of its hosting packages as well. You can transfer a domain over from another hosting site free of charge and have SSL certificates present on your new hosting site with A2 Hosting. If you are not happy with what you are receiving at any time, the company offers a money back guarantee without hassle.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting does not disappoint when it comes to available features. You will have access to a virtual cloud storage service, unlimited data center locations and elastic load balancing. Another feature that Amazon provides is scheduled routine backups, so you never have to worry about losing valuable data when something goes wrong. The company fully supports the use of Joomla, Ruby, WordPress, Drupal and more as well.
A2 Hosting provides an impressive level of customer service to its clients. Support staff members are located within the United States and have developer backgrounds. That means when you call with a pressing issue, the tech support you receive is high-quality from the developers that most likely had a hand in creating the services you are using. Support is available 24/7 and functions through live chat, email or phone calls.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting provides the same level of quality customer service support that is standard company practice. You can reach out to the technical support team whenever an issue arises, and they will work diligently to resolve the issue for you.
When you sign up with A2 Hosting, they guarantee that your service will be available 99.9 percent of the time. It is not only a guarantee; it is a way of life with this hosting service. They utilize reliable servers to bring you consistent web hosting service and provide top-quality security as well. When something does go wrong, you have the option to roll your website back to a previous date when things were working correctly.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting is by far the leader when it comes to uptime service availability. Their network of servers runs on the same level as their massive online retail website. Worrying about your website going down due to a non-functioning host server is never an issue. Amazon has full redundancy, server cloaning, and full site backups that run at scheduled intervals.
A2 Hosting and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting are both impressive hosting companies that have a lot to offer. An ecommerce company will benefit by going with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting simply because of the opportunity to run your retail website on the same quality services as the largest online retailer out there. To see how A2 Hosting holds up to other hosting services check-out our A2 Hosting vs. HostGator post.
Other professionals, such as marketers, developers, and small business owners would benefit more from A2 Hosting services. You have more features and price plan options that are ideal for small scale businesses. Developers will benefit from having a customer service support team that speaks their language. Marketers and small business owners will like the flexibility of having several package options available that grow as your company grows.
Last Updated on April 30, 2018 by Jake